So this week, I presented to teachers in Kansas via Skype. The teachers were attending the 2013 Podstock Conference which is hosted by ESSDACK and my good friend Mr. Kevin Honeycut. It was kinda hard because I never had somebody controlling the computer besides myself. It was different though and I liked it. I have not presented on Civil War Sallie in a while so I hope that gives teachers a new perspective on the Follow Me Projects.  Also they told me I had 30 minutes to do an hour presentation so I really rushed and then after they told me I had a few minutes left. If you would like to see my presentation, it is Then later that day, I got my Podstock shirt. I was excited!!


Also, I found out that I am doing two more cyberbullying presentations this year. One for the teachers in my area and another in New Hampshire. I am super excited. I would love feedback on my presentation and how I can improve it. If you would like to look at it, it is

