After reading this post, I have to say I am disgusted by Representative Toomey for voting against a LGBT amendment under the No Child Left Behind Act that stops them from getting bullied. All other kids have some sort of legal protection and yet these kids do not have any protection from the bullies. Senator Al Franken from Minnesota said this in his speech to the senate: “If a black child was referred to by a racial slur at school, would we say kids will be kids? If a Jewish student got beat up because he wore a yarmulke to school, would we wave it off and say boys will be boys? If a shop teacher told a female student she didn’t belong in his class, would we be fine if the school just looked the other way? No, we would not. In fact, there are federal civil rights laws that are specifically designed to stop this kind of conduct.” These kids should have to fear going to school but instead want to go to school and learn. In PA, I have helped Representative Marisco with House Bill 1163 which makes cyberbullying a misdemeanor of the third degree because I was bullied in a Catholic school. Please feel free to email him here.
I know that my Catholic faith says that “The Church seeks to enable every person to live out the universal call to holiness. Persons with a homosexual inclination ought to receive every aid and encouragement to embrace this call personally and fully. This will unavoidably involve much struggle and self-mastery, for following Jesus always means following the way of the Cross…. The Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Penance are essential sources of consolation and aid on this path.” (USCCB) but this is about the issue of kids being bullied and not about their sexual orientation.